Biennale #6


45 artists during 4 weeks creating artworks in Suðurnesjabær and expanding life in the area.
The international art festival Festival Fresh Wind in Iceland will be held for the sixth time in Iceland from 14th. Dec. 2019 to Jan. 2020 under artistic direction of Mireya Samper. Theme of the festival this year is “at the edge of the world”.
The opening of exhibitions, concerts, performances and happening will be 04th January 2020 at 14:00 Sunnubraut 4, Suðurnesjabær.
Guided tour of full program is offered on the 4th, 5th,11th and 12th January; exhibitions, concerts, performances, happenings, etc…

45 listamenn að störfum í 4 vikur víðs vegar í Suðurnesjabæ.
Alþjóðlega listahátíðin Ferskir vindar verður haldin í sjötta sinn á Íslandi dagana 13.12.2019 –12.01. 2020 undir listrænni stjórn Mireyu Samper.
Þema hátíðarinnar í ár er “á hjara veraldar”.
Hátíðleg opnun sýninga, tónleika, gjörninga og uppákoma verður 04. janúar 2020 klukkan 14.00 að Sunnubraut 4, Garði, Suðurnesjabæ.