The International Art Festival Fresh Winds in Iceland took place for the seventh time from 15th. Dec. 2022 to 15th. Jan. 2023 under the artistic direction of Mireya Samper.
Theme of the festival this year was “ The Light”.
Please, discover the artists of the new edition.
The opening was 07 January 2023; exhibitions, concerts, performances, events, etc.
Soon photos and videos of these events will be on line…
The exhibition is open on office hours at Sunnubraut 4, GARÐUR
Alþjóðlega listahátíðin Ferskir vindar var haldin í sjöunda sinn frá 15. des. 2022 til 15. jan. 2023, listrænn stjórnandi er Mireya Samper.
Þema hátíðarinnar í ár er “Ljósið”
Hér má sjá listafólk hátíðarinnar.
Opnunin var 7. janúar 2023, sýningar, tónleikar, uppákomur og fleira.
Brátt koma fleiri myndir og upptökur á netið…
Sýningin er opin á skrifstofu tíma að Sunnubraut 4 í GARÐI.
Performance and Exhibition Program
Program for Saturday, January 14th
Sunnubraut 4, 14h Visit the exhibitions in Garður
Music School
- 14h30 Movie Pascal Renault and Julia Wilkins
- 14h45 performance Asra Rán Björt, Kana Kitty, Daniel Chavis, Jeff Bizieau and Pascal Renault
15h Visit the exhibition places in Garður
Big lighthouse
16h Performance Hiromu Sato and Hui Ying Tsai
Varðan Sandgerði
- 17h Performance Julia Wilkins, Ólöf Sigurður Valsdóttir and Thea Atladóttir
- 17h15 Performance Kana Kitty and Daisaku Ueno
Program for Sunday, January 15th
Sunnubraut 4,
14h00 Performance Julia Wilkins,Thea Atladóttir, Jeff Bizieau, Pascal Renault and MC Beguet
14h15 Visit the exhibition places in Garður and Sandgerði
Music School
- 16h30 Solo piano performance Sævar Helgi Jóhannsson
- 16h45 Solo performance Kana Kitty
- 17h00 Performance Lilian Guiran and Ólöf Sigurður Valsdóttir
- 17h20 Performance Jeff Bizieau, Sævar Helgi Jóhannsson, Thea Atladóttir, Hiromu Sato, Daniel Chavis and Kana Kitty
- 17h30 Performance Daniel Chavis

The great cultural price Eyrarrósin 2018 was awarded at the international art Festival Fresh Winds from Listahátíð í Reykjavík / Reykjavik Arts Festival.
Annually, Reykjavik Arts Festival in collaboration with Air Iceland Connect and Byggðastofnun reward cultural and artistic projects outside of the Reykjavik area. The award is called Eyrarrósin.